Welcome to JNY - Jewish North York CentreДобро Пожаловать в Синагогу и Общину Норс Йорка!The Centre for Jewish Life in North York. Where community is family.Shul, Services, Programs and Classes for all ages in Russian and English. There's something for everyone!647.518.8770 - 465 Patricia Ave, Toronto, ON, M2R 2N1 - Info@JewishNorthYork.orgWe are a Canadian registered charity, our legal name: Ufaratsta Jewish Outreach Centre, our registration no.: 819341793 RR0001
Welcome to JNY - Jewish North York Centre
Добро Пожаловать в Синагогу и Общину Норс Йорка!
The Centre for Jewish Life in North York. Where community is family.
Shul, Services, Programs and Classes for all ages in Russian and English. There's something for everyone!
647.518.8770 - 465 Patricia Ave, Toronto, ON, M2R 2N1 - Info@JewishNorthYork.org
We are a Canadian registered charity, our legal name: Ufaratsta Jewish Outreach Centre, our registration no.: 819341793 RR0001
Welcome to JNY - Jewish North York CentreДобро Пожаловать в Синагогу и Общину Норс Йорка!The Centre for Jewish Life in North York. Where community is family.Shul, Services, Programs and Classes for all ages in Russian and English. There's something for everyone!647.518.8770 - 465 Patricia Ave, Toronto, ON, M2R 2N1 - Info@JewishNorthYork.orgWe are a Canadian registered charity, our legal name: Ufaratsta Jewish Outreach Centre, our registration no.: 819341793 RR0001